Considerations & Courtesies

A good woman can change your life, but only when you treat her right.

I love being greeted freshly showered, shaved, groomed, nails trimmed, and scent-free. Deodorant is a delight.

I am not a fan of cigarettes, so please refrain from smoking or vaping prior to your appointment. If you want me to get into our experience, please highly consider this request.

Upon arrival, please leave the remaining gratuity in a sealed envelope on a table in view, verbally identifying the total amount enclosed. Proceed to the restroom to thoroughly WASH YOUR HANDS. I want assurance that when you explore me, that we have a great time without hesitation.

I like Starbucks caramel lattés, as well at their pistachio ones too. Feel free to ask if I would like one. A thoughtful gesture is a sure way to put a smile on my face!

I like Select roses, and of course quality chocolates. Gift cards are also a wonderful gestures. It helps with things such as fuel, groceries, books, pet care, online shopping & dining out.

I appreciate when someone goes above & beyond because it’s what I want to do for them.

Let’s be respectful, and let’s make some magic…